Martha's Introduction

Hello, my name is Martha Geter, some people call me Nanu. Nanu is short for Nanugaq, my native name. I recently moved back to Chevak with my husband, Jonathan, and two children, Ayden and Kelly. I grew up here and left after I graduated high school. 

I would think my relationship to art would be that I have always had a passion for children, our land and native culture with all the amazing things it has to offer. I pay very close attention to children and their mind development. Children are so beautiful and natural, their brains are sponges and their minds are so pure. The photo of these children are children at my old daycare I worked at. I love and miss them oh so much. The handsome fella in the black and red is my oldest, Ayden.

The land and culture is also something I think is a work of art. It's so amazing with all that it can provide for people. The food it grows, the wild plants and animals, and the clothing that can be made from it all. This last photo is a photo of Chevak school and the beautiful land it is built on. 

Besides my husband and children, I have made a couple great pieces of art. In middle school, one of our classes was called Cup'ik class. In that class throughout the year we made native art. We sewed head dresses, mail holders, and Eskimo dresses. In high school we started getting bigger projects like sewing fur hats, carving harpoons, and building black fish traps. A lot of times our completed projects were gifted to family, parents, siblings, aunts or uncles. 

I love going to Art museums but have only been to the one at UAF and I love it! I've taken my family and friends there a few times and learned something new every time. I am not an artist or have not continued to do any art work of my own.


  1. I hear you about those brains like sponges. My brain feels so much more brittle than it used to.


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